I grew up in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. My sisters and I played a variety of different sports, most of which were outdoor sports. Let’s just say we had more than our share of rained out practices, games, matches, and meets. I even remember waiting to hear whether or not my tennis match in a Portland, OR tournament was going to be cancelled due to the ash falling from Mt. St. Helens (I was very young of course ;-). Having lived my entire adult life in California, inclement weather has had much less impact on our sons’ sporting events. Yet even here, in sunny Santa Barbara County, we have periodic cancellations due to extreme heat or the rare rain storm.

To address last minute changes, even the best planners need a way to get the word out to parents and team members. I’ve been on way too many email or text chains in which everybody feels the need to hit the reply-all option or comment on a group text. Ugh. Not cool when you’re hustling to get each kid deposited to the right location. Also, not great when you don’t know who belongs to what cell phone number.


To combat the confusion, we’ve implemented our new Team Chat feature in our Team Tool.


In brief:

  • All team members and contacts (e.g. parents) may use the Team Chat
  • Members/contacts will receive an alert email* to let them know when there are unread messages in the Team Chat
  • You can upload files to the Team Chat (perhaps a team photo after a big victory for the parents who weren’t able to attend)


Access via desktop:



Access via mobile:



Examples of when you might use the Team Tool’s Team Chat feature:

  • Game cancelled
  • Match location changed
  • Need to wear a different color uniform
  • Your child needs a ride home after practice
  • Update a score for the parents who couldn’t make the game
  • Need another driver for the meet


New Team Chat Feature for Team Tool


We’re confident you’ll find many other uses for it as well!


Not using our Team Tool yet? If you’re the team parent/manager/coach or you’re the team captain for an adult team, our Team Tool will save you loads of time this season! Start Your Free Trial


* – Optional alerts via text coming soon!