Tag your bff in your favorite picture, it’s National Best Friend Day!  Grab your leash and bacon treats, it’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day!


Have you ever wondered about all of the national days that pepper your social media feeds and questioned their veracity? Well, they are very real. According to a recent NPR segment, for years the U.S. Congress was a “holiday factory.” Legislators were churning out commemorative days faster than you can say “National Hike with a Geek Day” (which, by the way, is coming up on June 20. I will be available).


These days, you must go through Holly McGuire, editor of Chase’s Calendar of Events to officially declare a national day, who accepts submissions for what she calls “special days.” I recently fell down the rabbit hole while perusing the national day calendar and was amazed at how many things we are supposed to be celebrating. For the complete list, head over here. Plan on taking a while; there truly is a day to celebrate everything. Some of my favorite days coming up this summer:


  • June 1: National Nail Polish Day (okay we missed this one, but at least that explains the current state of my nails)
  • June 19: National Martini Day
  • June 23: National Pink Day
  • June 29: National Waffle Iron Day
  • July 11: National Cheer up the Lonely Day
  • July 14: National Nude Day
  • Last Friday in July: National Talk in an Elevator Day
  • August 5: National Underwear Day
  • August 8: National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
  • August 10: National Lazy Day
  • August 21: National Brazilian Blowout Day
  • August 25:  National Kiss and Make Up Day


For those with the fortitude to read through the entire list, is there a day you’d like to see happen? Tell us in the comments! For the record, I’d like to see a national free facials for moms day or a national do your chores without being asked day.